Make People Envy Your Slim Body With a Cup of Green Tea
Well here is some good news for you. Green tea is an excellent weight loss herbal tea which is used all around the world for its fat burning properties. People who cannot resist the food they love but also need something to keep them in shape then this is the answer to their prayers. Green tea has been used by Chinese for hundreds of years for health and fitness reasons. Now this tea has become a favorite for every one.
Health experts have studied about how it can improve a persons physical well being. The benefits of green tea have turned out much more than what was expected. The antioxidants present in the leaves of this tea have multiple effects on the body when it comes to weight loss and fat burning processes. When taken after a meal, the fist thing that works in terms of burning fat is the heat of the beverage. Just the way people drink a cup of hot water to keep tummies in and to melt fat, drinking a hot cup of green tea works down the body melting fat as it travels in.
The next stage begins when it reaches the inside. The antioxidants in green tea increase the ability of cells to absorb oxygen and digest food better. The food is broken down properly into necessary constituents and saturated fats that may be present in your meal in large portions will be separated from the essential elements that are actually required by the body. The saturated fats are drained out of the body through urination and as waste products. The nutrients are retained.
Green tea then ensures that the water in the food you consume is not retained into your body, making you appear plump and swollen like. It uses the water to hydrate your skin, wash your body of waste toxins and make you appear younger and fresher.
The final stage it plays its role at is by making you more active and ridding you off your laziness. Once you are active and the energy levels that you hardly ever experience otherwise are given a boost, you will tend to work more and have an increased activity level which again helps to burn calories. So the benefits involve building up your stamina whether its just about exercise stamina or your stamina to stay active for long hours. If you are really into weight loss and losing fat then green tea [] should be your best friend. Only by drinking it every day on a regular basis and taking at least 2 cups a day, you can shed pounds off your body without worrying about what you eat and drink all the time.
Anirban Roy enjoys reading and writing about health, fashion and fitness and regularly posts at health and fitness with green tea []. He also spends most of his time studying Chinese medicine.
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