WM - Broken Cup
The World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world. Unfortunately it is broken and the repair is urgent in the 21st Century. If left broken, separate title could change to World Cup disgrace with names like empty cup, Broken Cup, Cup Shattered or even once-upon-a-time Cup.
The World Cup attracts football fans from the four corners of the earth. Hundreds of millionsto see the audience as excited about their country in the fight for the coveted title of Champion League. In addition, the millions, not just a football game or an activity, but a passion that sometimes fails, sometimes for a fatal mistake.
Why the World Cup is broken? It is not easy to maintain over time, in their power to ensure the ethics of his sport. Perhaps the biggest and most painful question refers to the charge, the qualityclearly not the same or go up to the level of professional standards in the modern world.
At this level of competition, the referees can not afford to make their calls, especially if these calls can affect the results dear to peoples and multitudes of fans and lovers. For example, in the match against England, Germany was a clear goal annulled the British, the ball bounced off the post with three feet or so in the door. A video replay offered incontrovertible proof thatthe ball has crossed the line, a score of proof. But the game went on, without a doubt a dramatic effect on the dynamics of the British team and maybe the outcome of a game. Another example is the United States in a game when the ball bounced off the shoulder of the attacker's name in the box that hits a handball, which has been shown to play video indisputable, the ball has never been the player's hand. This is obviously the result of his hit play.
Instead of this heavyError should be the question to ask: "in the world - the Cup's greatest sporting event in the world - and with so much at stake, the video may be reproduced Why not?" In this modern age of video technology and skill, is absolutely unforgivable that is not used in the search for truth, video playback. Such failure does not hinder, but rather the ethics of the game, its credibility and support. Moreover, it is unreasonable for WM The organizers and officials have allowed this situation exists in the pejorative. Why would anyone watch or support the World Cup, when the truth and purity of match results or respected or honored? One such apparent nonchalance of the World Cup. Other sports and sporting events around the world and become embraced technology in search of "do the right thing" and ensure that the truth of the victory of the highest standard is maintained. Obviously, theWorld Cup 2010 has not increased at the highest level of sport, but will remain an iconic event, has no choice but to wear a strip of historical research and embrace technology to "do the right thing" and ensure that the There is no truth to the tradition of the time.
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