The shock of failure of the British team at World Cup 2010 - Sport Psychology analysis (Part 1)
Even before the last game against Slovenia, the England team had problems through a difficult time with the team. John Terry has told reporters that nine players taken in Cape Town to check the site and the gaps, said that represents the players and the team said it was the moment of truth that might upset the air handler. broken like the crisis of the group in France, a national standard in English. The rules are the rules of conduct that members of the team are expected. Standarddifferent set of rules in the rules are for all formal and usually there is some penalty for breaking the rules. In many sports teams, there is a rule (or an unwritten rule) that is said in the locker room, stays in the locker room. irritated with the speak with the media, Terry the rest of the players and undermining the skipper.
This brings us to number two on the management style of point Capello. There are two types of leadership, namely, democratic vs.autocratic. Democratic leadership is seeking the consent of all, before the decision is made. In contrast, the autocratic leadership style requires players to set the direction of the coach, no doubt follows. If Capello, who belongs to the second group. Each leadership style has helped its advantages and disadvantages, and in this case, the autocratic style Capello succeeded at some level. With a team of All-Stars-high-paid, hard to sacrifice for the coach to player movementego for the good of the team. Capello has done with his autocratic style has that train the stars and grow as a team by choosing players based on ability, not its former glory crucial.
If leadership is so good, then what is the problem? One of the disadvantages of autocratic leadership is that you do not leave much space for the players to express their views and concerns about things. Look how they treated the problem clashes with Terry. Instead ofopen communication and discuss the players to express their feelings, put on another Capello Kibosh all exhausted rebellion can simply playing a DVD of Algeria. Then no one could call the play in England one word. He could be a healthy situation Cup, when a manager international, world ruled with an iron fist, and even assistants Capello himself was irresistible for gamers. Although Terry's outburst is risky,immature and left him on sight, his manager has confirmed its authority throughout the process, isolates the dissenters and lit the fire with his back firmly.
In modern sports psychology, open communication is essential. When players to express themselves and to resolve questions if they are small, the team has a better chance to solve problems and move forward coherently. If Capello as typical as the autocratic leader, because he was always determined in its decision, readerwere afraid to talk. "I talked to some players and I think only John Terry, who said this," Capello said. "Nobody told me about these comments. My door is always open. If you talk to me can not talk to me. Every time I get a session, I ask my captain:" Problems? You want to have something to say? "Added Capello. If he had a clear rule and air as players, feedback can be positively evaluated, could his autocratic authority, people are afraid to expressproblems. For the English team, this could be the cause of a critical agitation.
(Continued on part 2)
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