The Importance of Having Good Communication Skills
Communication does not simply refer to communicating with other people but also includes how an individual responds, body gestures and tone of the voice. Having good communication skills is not limited to the workplace but it is essential in all parts life. In the world of work, effective communication skills are crucial as they play a deciding role in a person's success.
Promotion within an organization is made possible through communicating effectively at all levels, ranging from top management to the frontline employees. Outside the workplace, communication is equally important and the more effective one is would ensure having good relations which leads to enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Effective communication facilitates relationship building among people and avoids any disagreements or misunderstandings.
In order to develop good communication skills, certain things should be taken into consideration and focused on. The basic step is to decide what an individual wants to communicate with a focus on detail and what to include or not to include. The next step is not to adopt a one-for-all approach to communicate for everyone because a certain individual may react in a different manner and should be more focused on the situation and individual.
The thirds step in effective communication is paying attention to the other person as in his/her response or body language or facial expressions and react accordingly if possible and the situation permits. In addition to paying attention to others, attention one's body language, tone and facial expression is also important. Good news with a straight face would never have the same amount of effectiveness. Another important step in building good communication skills is to learn from previous communication mistakes, which can be anything from an argument or getting the wrong order at a restaurant or not being able to stop a child from a bad habit.
This acts as a feedback process and helps in improving the communication skills. Another way of getting feedback is to ask the other person, may it be colleagues, family members, friends, etc. but one should be patient in taking another person's feedback.
There are certain factors that leads to poor communication and should be avoided at any cost; Unclear Message - in whatever context communication takes place, it should be made sure that the message is conveyed clearly without any ambiguities and if possible the sender should recheck what the listener understood, Message Overload - refers to pushing in too much information in a communication and should be avoided because it will only lead to confusion and ineffective message delivery, Time of delivery - means that communicating at a time when the listener's attention is diverted would be of no use at all, Speed of Communication - refers to the pace at which the message is being conveyed or communicated, Interruption - any communication process would fail if there are regular interruption. The mentioned aspects of a communication process should be taken into consideration while communicating as they would result the making the whole process ineffective and a wastage of time for both the parties.
Good communication skill is essential for the success of any individual and improving it would only lead to success at work and in personal life. It should be perceived as a professional skill that can be learned and used for one's advantage.
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